Frequently Asked Questions

What is workplace health and safety?

Workplace health and safety is the critical process of managing risks in your workplace. This involves mitigating anything that could potentially harm your staff, customers, visitors, or vendors.

Managing workplace health and safety may mean investing in things like safety equipment, proper signage, or staff training. You’ll want to keep your facilities clean and implement appropriate policies and procedures to protect all who work for you or with you.

Why is health and safety important in the workplace?

Each year, more than 560,000 Australians suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. This costs businesses $62 billion in lost productivity and claims costs. These numbers highlight why workplace health and safety is so important.

Organisations that prioritise health and safety often enjoy higher rates of productivity, improved morale, and lower insurance claims costs. Team members feel empowered to perform their best without worrying about injury or illness. Workplace health and safety bring confidence to all those that interact with the company.

Managing workplace health and safety may mean investing in things like safety equipment, proper signage, or staff training. You’ll want to keep your facilities clean and implement appropriate policies and procedures to protect all who work for you or with you.

What is a fit test for work?

A fit test for work is an assessment that evaluates a worker’s ability to perform the duties of a job. The test may simulate tasks that the worker would encounter on the job in an effort to ensure he or she is able to physically meet those demands.

A fit for work test may test things like lifting ability, carrying ability, stepping and standing abilities, or hearing and vision. These assessments do not qualify or disqualify someone for employment. Rather, they provide a more complete picture to the employer of how the worker will perform and what accommodations they may need.

What does return to work program mean?

A return to work program is an organisational policy that outlines how to manage a workplace illness or injury and the return to work of the affected worker. It often includes steps like appointing a return to work coordinator, outlining worker’s rights and employer obligations, addressing workplace accommodations, and supporting the worker as they return to work.

All businesses in Victoria and NSW are required to have a return to work program in place. The program should be developed in conjunction with employees, relevant unions, and the organisation’s insurer.

What is the purpose of a risk assessment?

A workplace risk assessment helps keep your business and your employees safe by identifying potential hazards. An experienced risk management professional may identify risks that you aren’t even aware of in your workplace.

By identifying these risks, you have the opportunity to proactively address them and make the workplace safer for all. This can reduce your injury and illness rates as well as lower insurance claims costs.

How to do a risk assessment?

To conduct a risk assessment in your workplace, first start by identifying all the potential hazards someone may be exposed to. You may start by walking through your worksite and off-site locations. You may want to review policies and procedures. Talk with employees and relevant unions for their feedback. Some companies even work with a professional to identify hazards that they may overlook.

From here, assess the risk that each hazard poses and its implications. Then, develop plans to mitigate those risks through things like safety training, equipment, or control measures. Repeat this process regularly to keep your workplace safe.

What is a risk assessment?

A risk assessment is an important way to proactively manage and mitigate the risks present in your workplace. It involves the identification, evaluation, and mitigation of hazards that employees may face.

A thorough risk assessment should include not only what risks are present, but how they are controlled for. Employers should conduct risk assessments for their workplace on a regular basis to maintain health and safety.

Why is ergonomics important?

Ergonomics is important for the health and productivity of your employees. As they work, poor ergonomics decreases productivity, comfort, and long-term health.

Things like poor posture, awkward positions, insufficient support, or uncomfortable environments are not only painful for your employees in the moment, they can have long-term effects. Implementing proper ergonomics in your workplace ensures that your team can perform at their best now and into the future.

What causes ergonomic injury?

Ergonomic injury can be caused by many things. Some of the most common are poor or awkward postures, repetitive movements or strain, and uncomfortable or unsafe environments. Things like bending and crouching, high-volume typing, or hot or loud workspaces can all cause injury.

These are all considered ergonomic risk factors. Workers who experience one or more of these are at risk for ergonomic injuries.